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ENS Avatar
1.218M OP
Proposals Voted69 (16.27%)
For / Against / Abstain67 / 1 / 1
Recent activity0 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from1.88k addresses

Delegate Statement

My primary goal in participating in governance is to see the OP Collective succeed, and to accelerate the positive feedback loop of RetroPGF & Ether’s Phoenix.

As an independent Optimism Delegate, not associated with any protocol, The Collective itself is my only stakeholder. I’ve been active in OP Governance since the token airdrop, and full-time in governance since the start of 2023. I have served 3 terms on the Optimism Grants Council, which is widely regarded as one of the most effective grants councils in crypto. I am also a volunteer host of the Token House Community Call, which means that I am always deeply informed on the most important issues within governance. I have voted on 100% of issues since my first vote in 2022.

I am a firm believer in the Optimistic Vision, envisioning that the collaborative governance of The Optimism Collective, augmented by RPGF, has immense potential to transcend the digital world and address significant global challenges.

If you believe in this vision and choose me as your delegate, I would be honored. Together, let’s make this vision a reality.

No advanced delegations found

Past Votes

Prop 1414...7673
- 15 days ago

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Voted: devtooligan, wildmolasses, wbnns, Jepsen, blockdev, anika, jtriley.eth, shekhirin, philogy, noah.eth, alextnetto.eth with 1.33M votes
Amazing to see such a high quality of candidates applying to this role.
Prop 2588...3208
- 15 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer

Voted: m4rio.eth, AnthiasLabs with 1.33M votes
See delegate communication thread
Prop 8865...1264
- 15 days ago

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

for with 1.33M votes
Appreciate the budget rework.
Prop 8132...1316
- 15 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: katie, Jrocki, Michael, mastermojo, GFXlabs, MattL, jackanorak, MoneyManDoug, brichis, habacuc.eth via seedlatam, Tane, Boardroom with 1.33M votes
Prop 6425...0826
- 17 days ago

Anticapture Commission Amendment

for with 1.33M votes
We're iteratingggggg
Prop 7521...6844
- 17 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Voted: Juanbug_PGov, mmurthy, v3naru_Curia, LauNaMu with 1.33M votes
All 4 of these reviewers have great skills/background for the job and are well qualified.
Prop 9036...3129
- 17 days ago

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

for with 1.33M votes
In-line with the current goals of the collective, looking forward to see who qualifies.
Prop 1989...1179
- 17 days ago

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

for with 1.33M votes
Awesome upgrade to make things more efficient.
Prop 1050...1940
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

for with 1.32M votes
Voting "For", although again, I am wary of the budget growth in this council. It is easy to see this creep up season over season and the natural progression in governance is for more budget and process in these kinds of positions. That all said, Juan has done a great job and there is a great need for this kind of council to exist and this proposal has my support.
Prop 4666...0669
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Intents Ratification

for with 1.32M votes
I agree with the focus of these intents.
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