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4.179M OP
Proposals Voted51 (12.03%)
For / Against / Abstain47 / 1 / 3
Recent activity0 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from81.3k addresses

Delegate Statement

I want to further support the important work that Optimism is doing on scaling. I’m also passionate about public goods funding and governance experimentation.

My view on the Optimistic Vision: I align strongly with the vision. I’m excited about the new model focused on optimizing for positive impact and providing retroactive incentives for public goods.

My view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution:

Agree, I think the collective should be open to experimentation and be dynamic in the early days as we grow and learn

Agree, I’m supportive of checks and balances

Agree, I’m glad to see the Optimism Foundation be a steward of the collective early on

My skills and areas of expertise: product (previously product manager at Coinbase), governance (delegate for Gitcoin and Element DAO), writing / creating educational content, operations, strategy, DeFi (advisor of 0x and investor in many DeFi projects), investing (co-founder of crypto fund Scalar Capital)

No advanced delegations found

Past Votes

Prop 7208...1368
- about 1 month ago

Protocol Upgrade #7: Fault Proofs

for with 4.26M votes
Felt this was a reasonable proposal after receiving input from my Scalar cofounder Jordan Clifford
Prop 6975...7765
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Developer Advisory Board Renewal

Zach Obront with 4.26M votes
Both candidates seem great but thought Zach has great experience and a reasonable budget
Prop 1050...1940
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

against with 4.26M votes
While I'm supportive of a council for code of conduct reviews, this budget request seems too high to me given the specific scope of work
Prop 4666...0669
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Intents Ratification

for with 4.26M votes
I'm supportive of these intents for the Collective
Prop 4537...1139
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Intent Budgets

for with 4.26M votes
I'm supportive of these intents for the Collective
Prop 2329...8367
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Grants Council Operating Budget

for with 4.26M votes
Prop 8925...8962
- about 1 month ago

Protocol Upgrade #8: Changes for Stage 1 Decentralization

for with 4.26M votes
This seems like a well thought out proposal that increases decentralization. I also got input from my Scalar cofounder Jordan Clifford on this review
Prop 4725...2111
- about 1 month ago

Governor Update Proposal #2: Improvements to advanced delegation allowance calculations

for with 4.26M votes
This seems like a minor change that will be a positive improvement to governance
Prop 7915...5411
- 3 months ago

Season 5 : Intents Budget Proposal #2

abstain with 4.3M votes
Prop 6375...1274
- 3 months ago

Governor Upgrade #1: Improve advanced delegation voting

for with 4.3M votes
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