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2.595M OP
Proposals Voted65 (15.33%)
For / Against / Abstain55 / 8 / 2
Recent activity0 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from10.8k addresses

Delegate Statement

I have considerable experience on DAO governance, being an active delegate in 2 of the biggest DAOs (gitcoin and ENS) and I want to use that to help the Collective towards its goals of proving that public goods can be be profitable and something more people should work on. Not everyone needs to work on a VC-funded for-profit soul-crashing startup that gives nothing back to the world.

My view on the Optimistic Vision: In short I dig it. The main thing that pushed me to get actively involved in Gitcoin DAO was the goal of funding public goods. Only for my specific case public goods is the much more specific and hard case of opensource software. The idea of finding ways to make opensource software sustainable by providing incentives to those who build them is something that excites me and fills me with purpose.

My view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution: I find them logical. (1) Makes sense. Things will evolve. (2) Intrigued to see how the bicameral governance of checks and balances will end up working out. (3) For the 3rd article and the foundation, I wonder if the DAO gets any say on the operations of the foundation, like who sits in the board etc.?

My skills and areas of expertise: Software development, opensource, software architecture, managements, governance and ehm … photography? :smiley:

My favorite Web3 projects: rotki, trueblocks, erigon

No advanced delegations found

Past Votes

Prop 8132...1316
- 15 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: katie, mastermojo, GFXlabs, MattL, jackanorak, brichis with 3.09M votes
Prop 1414...7673
- 15 days ago

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Voted: devtooligan, wildmolasses, blockdev, jtriley.eth, alextnetto.eth with 3.09M votes
Prop 7521...6844
- 15 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Voted: Juanbug_PGov, v3naru_Curia, LauNaMu with 3.09M votes
Prop 2588...3208
- 15 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer

Voted: m4rio.eth, AnthiasLabs with 3.09M votes
Prop 8865...1264
- 15 days ago

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

against with 3.09M votes
Prop 9036...3129
- 15 days ago

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

for with 3.09M votes
Prop 6425...0826
- 15 days ago

Anticapture Commission Amendment

for with 3.09M votes
Prop 1989...1179
- 15 days ago

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

for with 3.09M votes
Prop 6975...7765
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Developer Advisory Board Renewal

Ed Mazurek with 3.06M votes
Prop 4537...1139
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Intent Budgets

for with 3.06M votes
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